Shoplifter sentenced for stealing eight times in two months

Picture: ROB CURRIE. (38235722)

A SHOPLIFTER who stole food and alcohol eight times in two months and kicked and spat on a police officer arresting her has been been sentenced to 80 hours of community service.

Laura Penelope Richmond (39) stole from Marks & Spencer in King Street and Liberty Wharf seven times during February and March and once from Alliance in Sand Street.

Richmond did not turn up to the Magistrate’s Court for her appearance, with Centenier Paul Huelin, prosecuting, saying that when the police found her, she kicked and spat at one of them.

The court heard that Richmond had a previous conviction for assaulting a police officer, from September 2021.

Advocate Mike Preston, defending, said Richmond’s home life at the time was “unbearable”.

He said: “She used alcohol as a coping mechanism and became a slave to it.”

Assistant Magistrate Adam Clarke said that assaulting a police officer could be punished by a jail sentence, but was imposing a combined community service order of 80 hours for that offence and the thefts.

As well as the community service order, Richmond must also pay back £217 to Marks & Spencer and £41 to Alliance.

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